Ontological quotations

A scientific research project was conducted whereby the happiest people the researchers could find worldwide were hooked up to scientific apparatus which measured their bio-physiological  degree of happiness. The 'happiest man in the world' was deemed to be an ex-scientist, born into an highly intellectual family, who'd given all that up forty years ago to become a buddhist monk. 

During the experiment he 'merely' meditated on Compassion.


Love and Compassion
If there is one word that makes people go dreamy-eyed it's the word 'love'. We say for example people should marry for love. When a friend confides to another friend about problems in a relationship the first thing the other might ask is 'But do you love them?'. Songs are mainly celebrations of love. We criticise so-called religions such as ISIS for lacking love and preaching hate instead. Yet can you meditate on 'love'? Meditate in the true sense! Which is not to reflect on a concept or to recall in memories your experience of the thing. But rather to open yourself in the here-and-now to that thing itself! Not 'love' as an abstract concept, a noun, a thing-apart. But the experiencing  of love itself. What is compassion? When you open yourself to compassion you yourself are experiencing love itself.
