So what! Tyranny and oppression is rife around the world. As it has been for the most part in human history.
Yet now the relatively safe, comfortable and 'nice' West of Europe finds its own comfort zone stirred and shaken in a way it hasn't been since the horrors of Nazism; a period not long since past yet outside many people's living memories.
But horror of horrors other people's 'distant' miseries flood upon our own territory, drowning in our seas and pressing against our borders.
The defensive tendency is draw the drawbridges up, and defend our own lifestyles and privileges.
But then the very evil they are fleeing comes for us.
Having had somebody who isn't a 'dimwit' as world leader for a change yet their democratic tenure now draws to a close.
And who do we have standing in the wings to take over
commandership of the Oval cockpit?