mission on earth

His mission - as he saw it! maybe he was deluded; maybe he was mad? - was . .

. well? . .  really  I suppose, it was all an open question to him . . 

 . .and . . when I say All that's precisely what I mean . .

. . .oh but not all the multitude of things that may come into the 'normal' person's mind when you may say it; that seemingly innocuous vague grammar term . . not at all!

Growing up in an Irish Roman Catholic family from first generation immigrants stock. The parents' simply rudimentary educated. Mother with somewhat better reading and writing skills compared to the father's. He, the doubter, questioner, a skeptic lacking the spouse's faith. . . . Yet, even why that was so: becomes immediately clear now!

Church, deathly dreary.

Media, BBC etc, showing us a picture of man as a highly developed ape. That, appeared to be an unquestionable truth on the telly. The 'sober truth' type-of-thing.

And Politics appeared to be the other mainstay.

Another life-sucking dreariness.

All the color, all the wonder seemed to have been drained out to create the monotonous 'reality' of  the 'real world'.

Maybe it wouldn't have seemed quite so dire as all that if he hadn't been promised something more . . well ..  aspirational, during his early formative years? Something more inspirational to lift you up and propel you onwards and upwards, to eternity and beyond type-of-thing.

The conflict of being an earnest, sensitive soul, growing up amidst an multicultural plurality of worldviews?

Consider, a simple rural society of villages and farms where each single village was the entire world community for much of the inhabitants thereabouts. A commonality of the larger-worldview shared amongst them all. Religious, in its essential form.

She, grew up in a much more lively social environment that him.

He labouring hard on the earth from dusk till dawn in the bleak, poverty-stricken countryside quite remote from the nearest population center of village or town. While she grew up in the town as one in a lively outgoing family amongst friendly neighbours.