Premonitions and Intuitions

and other such unscientific matters.

mind you, what have Eureka moments, 'thought experiments' and other such-like 
ever contributed to all great scientific leaps?

might as well ride along a light beam

November draws towards its end

So what! Tyranny and oppression is rife around the world. As it has been for the most part in human history.

Yet now the relatively safe, comfortable and 'nice' West of Europe finds its own comfort zone stirred and shaken in a way it hasn't been since the horrors of Nazism; a period not long since past yet outside many people's living memories.

But horror of horrors other people's 'distant' miseries flood upon our own territory, drowning in our seas and pressing against our borders.

The defensive tendency is draw the drawbridges up, and defend our own lifestyles and privileges.

But then the very evil they are fleeing comes for us.

Having had somebody who isn't a 'dimwit' as world leader for a change yet their democratic tenure now draws to a close.

And who do we have standing in the wings to take over 
commandership of the Oval cockpit?


Our Theatre of the Absurd

'Propaganda all is phony"

Isis Recruitment Entices
come and get it, boys


'Isis converting Christian women'


'British women join ISIS'

"They are not Muslim they are not even human . ."
British woman who attempted to bring her husband back from Syria
"Anything takes forever under ISIS. Everything, that is, except killing! "

seminal thought

1535-45; Latin insidiōsus deceitful, equivalent to insidi (ae(plural) anambush (derivative of insidēre to sit in or on) + -ōsus -oussee sit1

The greatest dangers are the most insidious. Seemingly benign.

And people often tend to believe what it suits them to believe.

It's the pseudo-sophisticated generalizations by which people covertly are blind to the fact that their worldview in essence divides the world into the simplistic classical categories of 'good' vs 'evil'.

And by which people do or spread 'evil' in the deluded  name of 'good'.

what else?


The Hero's Journey

Personal Daemon and The Demonic of life

"in the sense of the diabolical rather than the demonic"

"Follow your bliss"
the late Joe Campbell
(in the tradition of Jung)

Sat-Chit-Ananda *
(ancient Sanskrit *)


The Himalayas of Wisdom

Politically as a nation in its own right and a unique culture like no other, Tibet, is no more.

Swallowed up and eaten to pieces contemptuously by that bastion of Materialism, China.

'Why does China hate the Dalai Lama'


(Matthieu Ricard)

The Nature of Happiness


Mystery as a child-like Social Macrocosm

For example in Religion typically the presentation of a kind of extended family where everybody of a particular faith are viewed as brothers and sisters under the ruling hand of a stern but fair and loving almighty father figure.

In a secular society where the 'old' religious family is seen as antiquated, perhaps an implicit new family picture is implied subliminally. (The implications of which, possibly provide an enriched viewpoint in creating sense of our present-day 'orphaned' situation)

Selfish, Selfless, And The Self

"Essence precedes Existence"

Aristotelian proposition underlying human understanding up to the Age of Enlightenment

"Existence precedes Essence"

The Sartrean Existentialism reformulation of the above.

everything is permitted


Bruce Lee, Quantum Theorist

Ontological quotations

A scientific research project was conducted whereby the happiest people the researchers could find worldwide were hooked up to scientific apparatus which measured their bio-physiological  degree of happiness. The 'happiest man in the world' was deemed to be an ex-scientist, born into an highly intellectual family, who'd given all that up forty years ago to become a buddhist monk. 

During the experiment he 'merely' meditated on Compassion.


Love and Compassion
If there is one word that makes people go dreamy-eyed it's the word 'love'. We say for example people should marry for love. When a friend confides to another friend about problems in a relationship the first thing the other might ask is 'But do you love them?'. Songs are mainly celebrations of love. We criticise so-called religions such as ISIS for lacking love and preaching hate instead. Yet can you meditate on 'love'? Meditate in the true sense! Which is not to reflect on a concept or to recall in memories your experience of the thing. But rather to open yourself in the here-and-now to that thing itself! Not 'love' as an abstract concept, a noun, a thing-apart. But the experiencing  of love itself. What is compassion? When you open yourself to compassion you yourself are experiencing love itself.


Where 'knowledge' is ignorance

A.J.Ayer, a highly influential British philosopher of the Twentieth Century, was a key player in the theory of Logical Positivism.

It's central principle was that anything which could not be verified was mere empty 'meaningless' metaphysics.

Seeing as this type of assertion promotes core underlying assumptions of the Zeitgeist, it was widely taught and esteemed.

Until somebody pointed out that it's central principle itself was unverifiable. It's own conclusion could not be validated empirically.

It failed it's own test. And could, by its own criteria, be dismissed as mere empty metaphysics; and blind faith.

Now we all look up to great specialists who know so much more than us. But what can they tell us about life? Other than unverifiable 'metaphysics', or pseudoscience, under cover of 'big science'.

Near-death experience[edit]

In 1988, shortly before his death, Ayer wrote an article entitled, "What I saw when I was dead",[25] describing an unusual near-death experience. Of the experience, Ayer first said that it "slightly weakened my conviction that my genuine death ... will be the end of me, though I continue to hope that it will be."[26] However, a few days later he revised this, saying "what I should have said is that my experiences have weakened, not my belief that there is no life after death, but my inflexible attitude towards that belief".[27]
In 2001 Dr Jeremy George, the attending physician, claimed that Ayer had confided to him: "I saw a Divine Being. I'm afraid I'm going to have to revise all my books and opinions." Ayer's son Nick, however, said that he had never mentioned this to him though he did find his father's words to be extraordinary, and said he had long felt there was something possibly suspect about his father's version of his near death experience.[28]  
