The Big Short (inside the doomsday machine)

    The Big'Short' 

    i.e. betting; investing on:

     (global economic meltdown)

    (verb) "shorting"

    2015 film
    When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything.
    Release dateJanuary 22, 2016 (United Kingdom)


Hindsight is 20/20. But in the case of The Big Short, starring Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, and Steve Carell, it’s their foresight that gets them in deep

The Big Short: 

Betting on the Housing Market going burst!

(a seeming far shot as this had never happened before, 
necessitating the whole world being clueless 
about the great bubble about to burst!!!)

Betting on the Economy going Burst.
Against all the odds, apparently.
But it was an informed 'gamble'.
That in reality was a sure bet,
given the actual data. 

The Only Constant Thing in Life is Change


The West; Europe Old World/USA New World

The History of The West sketched on the back of a beermat 

  • Classical Greece
  • Rome
  • Roman Catholic Europe ('Dark Ages')
  • Reformation/Renaissance
  • The Age of Science
  • Industrial Revolution

Nineteenth Century

  1. The Industrial Revolution 
  2. Mass Production
  3. Mass Society

Twentieth Century
  1. World War 1
  2. The Great Depression
  3. World War 2
  4. The Cold War
  5. Fall of The Berlin Wall

Mass Media 

  • Newsprint,
  • Cinema,  
  • Radio, 
  • TV, 
  • The Web
  • The Social Web)

The Present?

Thesis sketched on the back of a beermat

Discuss. "the West is in decline. because the rest of the world is catching up."

A century or so of Science and Technology being spread from the Western World to throughout the rest of the world: feudal or tribal societies reel from culture shock; lacking The West's particular five hundred years cultural evolution, i.e. values shift through The Age of Religion to 'Everything is politics' ideological alternatives (e.g. Cold War)  therefore instead some non-Western cultures retreat to traditional 'certainties'

Rise of Jihad, for example.


Mind and Matter


Spirit and Matter


Consciousness as the ancient name given to the underlying energy field out of which everything appears

"The explanation is the cure".
Phineas Quimby

and 'The Secret'

Quimby appears to represent an exemplary historical case-study of a healer who intuitively understood the above connection and could tap into it in order to do great works, i.e. cure even 'incurable' diseases by changing (curing) the foundational 'reality' beliefs that were the true causes of his subjects' afflictions
see footnote


Phenomenology :

A Phenomenon





The Great Theme

The Cosmic Beach*

* Links


Further Links:

in the beginning
was the Word
let there be light
and Being became form



Quimby and 'The Secret'. 

Some of the more highly educated amongst the thousands whom Phineas cured and influenced started 'a movement of the written word' which became generically labeled as the New Thought movement. They elaborated upon the pragmatic work of Quimby to formulate the Law of Attraction. Extending his example to include the belief that you attract your own circumstances. Contemporaneously with today's tastes and fashions  the ideas of New Thought were re-merchandised in the form of the internet sensation The Secret. 

Sketches and Starters

The Forest


". . . and a talent for facing uncomfortable truths."


Hermeneutics or Interpretations

It's been said that,

'meaning' doesn't exist in the world.

It is man
who brings meaning
to the world.

Is this a significant statement?

Maybe it depends on how it's interpreted?
It depends on what it 'means'.

.homo loquacious

Cosmic Beach, and others

The Cosmic Beach

The Agent

skin-colored rubber clown suit

Mein Kapt

Elegance, once more.

towards an ideal realized


he was so heart-bleeding
and wasn't he so.
heart on his sleeve.
oh, he moaned about the state of the world.

although at the end of the day

he was so little selfish,
so caring about us,

though the truth was
it was just his own little world
masked in 'politics'.

he wanted control.

Spirituality Vs Religion googled

a wider, deeper, higher perspective 


A point well worth pursuing.  ..

What are the contrasts generally made between these two poles, of 'religion' on the one hand and that thing called 'spirituality' on the other?

What are the more elegant soundbites which introduce this view, or views?

Most of which soundbites, or quotes, are bound to be biased in favoring 'spirituality' rather than 'religion'!

Simply because the latter doesn't define itself as distinct from, and of a lesser order than 'spirituality'. Indeed it is implicitly taken for granted in all religions, that it represents the spiritual order.

Whereas, by contrast, those who define themselves as spiritual rather than religious are naturally the ones who make these comparisons. And to the detriment of  the other.

We have killer Buddhist monks in some country right now, who have taken up a political stand against Islam. That's 'religion' rather than 'spirituality'. It's one group against another. The actual issues involved likely involving social issues and citizens' rights rather than purely religious ones. Or to speculate further only knowing the headline about this particular issue: even Buddhism over the centuries can take on a fossilised 'religious' character, despite the inward spiritual orientation or calling at it's original inception.

Other's quotes, from people who have thought about this issue and took the trouble to coin their understanding in the nutshell of a soundbite, should provide a fertile starting point.

May even be able to weave and collate them into a coherent body of writing; filling in the gaps to link one with another; or else, additionally, to hammer home the most salient points and overall essential message?

The Cancer of Hate

Rising tide of stabbings:
Jihad to the dispossessed;
denied all and every
rational hope;
no Justice;
the only semblance -
may you
"die in your rage"

Story Mill


Rage and Bitterness series

The Searcher

Creative Unconscious Series

categorize and tag

Rage and Bitterness series

the inn

in the gallery, strolled  . . staring up at statues . . enthralled by all . . .at tapestries gazing . .gently feeling raised paint on certain oilpaintings. . the windows open slightly . . soft warm breeze cool, refreshing . . . . he came to a door. . .colorful light bright emblems and pearls encrusted .  should he enter in?



accompaniment to vision
tone. rock. rhythm. flow.

sound, accompaniment to

musician's harmonies








high and lows

and all the in-betweens

living, breathing



Bright star!

You shone so very bright.

Speed of light burn out.


"Samurai and Idiots"

Olympus scandal 

wikipedia link

"If Olympus's cameras took such fuzzy pictures as their non-explanations about accounting irregularities then they would have been out of business long ago"

This story about a giant multi-national company whose name is a household word, is a case-study in how global financial forces over the previous few decades have wrecked economies, and companies. 

related-post link


The Wisdom trail . .

These Dark Satanic Mills 

"the quick and the dead"

queen of the jungle

Premonitions and Intuitions

and other such unscientific matters.

mind you, what have Eureka moments, 'thought experiments' and other such-like 
ever contributed to all great scientific leaps?

might as well ride along a light beam

November draws towards its end

So what! Tyranny and oppression is rife around the world. As it has been for the most part in human history.

Yet now the relatively safe, comfortable and 'nice' West of Europe finds its own comfort zone stirred and shaken in a way it hasn't been since the horrors of Nazism; a period not long since past yet outside many people's living memories.

But horror of horrors other people's 'distant' miseries flood upon our own territory, drowning in our seas and pressing against our borders.

The defensive tendency is draw the drawbridges up, and defend our own lifestyles and privileges.

But then the very evil they are fleeing comes for us.

Having had somebody who isn't a 'dimwit' as world leader for a change yet their democratic tenure now draws to a close.

And who do we have standing in the wings to take over 
commandership of the Oval cockpit?


Our Theatre of the Absurd

'Propaganda all is phony"

Isis Recruitment Entices
come and get it, boys


'Isis converting Christian women'


'British women join ISIS'

"They are not Muslim they are not even human . ."
British woman who attempted to bring her husband back from Syria
"Anything takes forever under ISIS. Everything, that is, except killing! "

seminal thought

1535-45; Latin insidiōsus deceitful, equivalent to insidi (ae(plural) anambush (derivative of insidēre to sit in or on) + -ōsus -oussee sit1

The greatest dangers are the most insidious. Seemingly benign.

And people often tend to believe what it suits them to believe.

It's the pseudo-sophisticated generalizations by which people covertly are blind to the fact that their worldview in essence divides the world into the simplistic classical categories of 'good' vs 'evil'.

And by which people do or spread 'evil' in the deluded  name of 'good'.

what else?


The Hero's Journey

Personal Daemon and The Demonic of life

"in the sense of the diabolical rather than the demonic"

"Follow your bliss"
the late Joe Campbell
(in the tradition of Jung)

Sat-Chit-Ananda *
(ancient Sanskrit *)
