The West; Europe Old World/USA New World
The History of The West sketched on the back of a beermat
- Classical Greece
- Rome
- Roman Catholic Europe ('Dark Ages')
- Reformation/Renaissance
- The Age of Science
- Industrial Revolution
- The Industrial Revolution
- Mass Production
- Mass Society
- World War 1
- The Great Depression
- World War 2
- The Cold War
- Fall of The Berlin Wall
Mass Media
- Newsprint,
- Cinema,
- Radio,
- TV,
- The Web
- The Social Web)
The Present?
Thesis sketched on the back of a beermat
Thesis sketched on the back of a beermat
Discuss. "the West is in decline. because the rest of the world is catching up."
A century or so of Science and Technology being spread from the Western World to throughout the rest of the world: feudal or tribal societies reel from culture shock; lacking The West's particular five hundred years cultural evolution, i.e. values shift through The Age of Religion to 'Everything is politics' ideological alternatives (e.g. Cold War) therefore instead some non-Western cultures retreat to traditional 'certainties'
Rise of Jihad, for example.
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