A Guiding Hand to Evolution and History?

  1. The Argument for Design in the Creation of The Universe.
  2. Pivotal moments in history that seemed fated not to happen. Yet nonetheless were destined to happen anyway? Despite all quirks of chance.

  • Therefore in human history too an analogous argument for Design?

Which also takes us to the question of Being.

To Do:
Gather together for a blog post all relevant facts about the Big Bang and its aftermath. Specifically that information, or narrative, which spells out just how spectacularly unlikely it is the Universe should have come into existence, in the first place.

Gather those incidents relating to pivotal moments in history that suggest
If not for a guiding hand then history as we know - and therefore today as we know it - would have taken a very different course. The world today could have been very different. Perhaps even, by now, non-existent?